The most significant and important underwater works that have been carried out by our Company from the very beginning of our practical activities: |
1989 - | survey of the biggest in Europe bridge-piers, Saratov highway bridge across the Volga river. Water current velocity - up to 1,5 m/sec, depth - 25 meters. | |||
1990 - | building of underwater communication cable crossing on the Yuzhny Bug riverbed (Nikolayev region, Ukrania). Water surface of the crossing - 1300 sq.m, depth of the cable in the trench - 1,5 meters. | |||
1991 - | ship-raising works of the floating pile-driver, PKK-24, that is the only one on the Volga river, displacement 2500 ton, Ulyanovsk-city. The vessel was raised from 8-m depth without any special hoisting mechanisms, it was refloated by the method of restoring its own floatability. | |||
1992 - | capital repairs of the water intake construction for water supply system in Zhigulyovsk, depth - 19 meters, water current speed 1,2 m/sec. | |||
1993 - | Togliatti-Odessa main ammonium pipeline survey on the underwater river bottom crossings in Samara, Saratov, Tambov and Voronezh regions; 26 underwater crossings including the main pipeline laid on the Volga river floor. | |||
1994 - | building of the bank consolidation for Zhigulyovsk water intake system, subgrading of the river bottom, leveling of the stone bed inclined part, placement of tetrapods | |||
1995 - | dredging works alongside the berths of Togliatti port, 900 cubic meters of ground were removed. | |||
1996 - | capital repair of the water intake aqueduct outfall of Samara Hydro-electric Power station, mounting of the fish protecting structure. Depth 8 meter, a color video film was shot about this work. | |||
1997 - | pile planking repairs of the JS Company "TogliattiAzot" terminal. The defects of the pile planking were welded under the water, sand was washed into the cavity behind the pile planking and concrete mortar was injected there as well. | |||
1998 - | underwater supersonic survey of the "Druzhba" main oil pipeline defective part on the crossing along the Volga riverbed, depth - more than 20 meters | |||
1999 - | the Lenin Volga Power station shipping canal water space, the satellite positioning system was used for the river bottom survey. | |||
2000 - | Kuibyshev-Bryansk main oil pipeline underwater crossing repairs. Ground was excavated to 8-m depth, caisson was mounted at 18-m depth and in it a defective part of the pipeline was cut out and replaced with a new one. | |||
2001 - | caisson was mounted on the Volga river underwater crossing of the Kuibyshev-Bryansk main oil pipeline at 20-m depth and 750mm long part of the pipeline was replaced . | |||
2002 - | using our own technology we replaced 11,6 m long part of Kuibyshev-Bryansk main oil pipeline at 18-m deep underwater crossing laid on the bottom of Rozhdestvenskaya Volozhka river. Electric arc welding method was used to butt-joint the pipe in two caisson chambers mounted on the pipeline. | |||
2003 - | aqueduct outfall capital repairs of the Volga-Car- Factory water intake station alongside with the fish protection structures mounting. | |||
2004 - | reconstruction of the oil product moorage on the Volga river and building new abutments using Larsen Metal interlocking grooved piles. Syzran-city NPZ, YUKOS firm. | |||
2005 - | fish screen structure for the riverside water intake station was mounted at Bezymyanskaya Heat- electric Power station. | |||
2006 - | general repairs of the onshore oil-loading facilities of Syzran NPZ on the river Volga. | |||
2007 - | general repairs of the diffusor outfall №2 of Togliatti district on the Volga, Kopylovo peninsula. | |||
2008 - | Hydro and diving survey of the sealed of the Mediterranean Sea at the site of desalination plant construction in Tlemsen, Algeria. | |||
2009 - | Intake and outfall construction for the desalination plant in Tlemsen, Algeria. | |||
2010 - | Overhaul repair of water intake head and clean water chamber of Samara Hydro-electric Power station. | |||
2011 - | Overhaul repair of water intake head at water intake system of PPD JSC "AVTOVAZ". | |||
2012 - | Overhaul repair of water intake heads at water intake system of Zhigulyovsk city district. | |||
2013 - | Overhaul repair of water intake head for the water intake station "Vodozabor" JSC "Avtograd - Vodokanal". | |||
2014 - | instrumental diving survey of 21 underwater crossings of main pipeline for ammonia Togliatti –Odessa. | |||
2015 - | Burying of two communication cables into river bottom at submerged crossing of the Volga River. JSC "Transammiak" Togliatti-city. | |||
2016 - | Underwater technical work to prevent an emergency shutdown of the water intake. Zhigulevsk during the 2017 flood period.. | |||
2017 - | Overhaul of the water intake head of the water intake Zhigulyovsk-town. | |||
2018 - | Hydrographic survey of the bottom, instrumental and diving surveys of a washed-out section of the Togliatti-Odessa main ammonia pipeline across the Volga River. | |||
2019 - | Instrument and diving inspection of the underwater crossing of the main ammonia pipeline Togliatti-Odessa across the river Volga. | |||
2020 - | Instrument and diving inspection of 21 underwater crossings of the Togliatti - Odessa main ammonia pipeline. | |||